
Missing it...

Most years, I make every effort to fully dwell on Christmas, to celebrate it to its fullest. Being one who values aesthetics, I especially enjoy the music (or at least those tunes not sung by Bing Crosby), as something about the beauty of it accurately conveys the beauty of Christmas.

This year, however, was different. Christmas came and went, leaving me without any opportunity to fully enjoy its meaning. And as I sit here typing this, I am befuddled, wondering what could possibly have robbed me of something from which I have gained so much enjoyment. I came up with a number of possibilities. If any of you had this same experience, please help me out, so I can avoid making the same mistake again. Here are my personal options of why I could have missed out on Christmas:

A. I am not a child anymore, and as an adult I have to face the reality that this world is not the happy place I always imagined it. I was also incredibly disappointed to find out that Santa Claus was not who I thought he was.

B. I was angry about the whole "Happy Holidays" argument, how those liberal activists succeeded in removing "Christmas" from the realm of the politically correct.

C. I was angry that people made the whole Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays debate more than it needed to be. I personally did not think it was worth the battle, especially since Christmas has long been raped by consumerism, turning everything Christmas (even "Christian" items) into a sale item. I was pissed off that the powers-that-be have devalued all my relationships, leading me to believe that "If you don't give her that perfect gift, she's going to live the remainder of her days disappointed in you!" (It was never said, but it was implied by those who used the buzzword "perfect gift" to get people to buy what they were selling). In short, words are a moot point; we could call it Christmas, Holiday, or what it has become: Consumer Day.

D. I am having an adult onset of ADD, and I can no longer focus on anyth...MMM, COOKIES!!!

Can you help me? What do YOU think happened to me? Can any of you relate?


nathan richardson said...

i agree.

Dave said...

It sounds like you experienced what I like to call, "'&#!t They Beat Me To It' Christmastime Blues". You didn't get that sale you wanted, someone else got there before you and stole your proverbial "Tickle Me Elmo". So you thought you could make up for it by buying more things for that loved one, thinking, "hey, if I can't give the perfect gift, I'll just give 50 cheap gifts and hope one delights here." Quantity definitely makes up for quality at Christmastime...

The Saturday before Christmas I walked up and down the aisle's of the Schottenstein Center, basking in the irony of the fact that I and my simple family had been programmed to find some trivial gifts that my family members probably didn't want anyway, and had to pay my precious money for it. I agree, Christmas without children needs a major revamping.

Anonymous said...

Just be happy that you actually got a Christmas. I haven't had one in years and the chance of me having one in the future is very slim.


Anonymous said...

amen, amen, and...add to that being in China...another amen