
Genesis 2: The Image of Yahweh

At the end of chapter 1, we are introduced to the concept of being made “in the image of God” (1:27). But what does it mean? Are we to infer that God has 2 arms, 2 legs and a head? Is it a reflection of the fact that we have the capacity toward thinking, imagining, and creative power? Is it similar to when we look at a baby and wonder whose eyes she has, or which of his parents had the same colored hair?

All of the above are legitimate guesses as to what this “image of God” means, and there certainly exists possibility that all could be simultaneously true. To gain an even greater appreciation for its meaning, as well as how it affects us as humans, we turn to chapter 2.

Every culture at the time had a story about how humans were created. In most of them, however, the process really did not lend humans a sense of dignity. In those stories, humans were often the by-products of some act of fornication or backstabbing by the gods toward one another. Their entire existence was completely incidental. Furthermore, in several cases, other nations considered the ultimate purpose of humanity to be servitude toward the gods, and this life was nothing more than frustrating sequence of toils dedicated to keep some deity happy.

Now, with this understanding, consider the posture God takes in Genesis 2:7. Earlier in the creation accounts, he drew things into being by his mere words. However, check out what he does here: “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Can you picture what God is doing? He stoops to the ground, reaches his hands into the dirt, and takes time to sculpt a human being into the desired shape. Then, in an embrace, he puts the creature’s mouth to his own, and breathes his own life-giving breath into him.

Can you see the contrast with the other stories? What an incredible act of intimacy, that the God of the universe, who could just as easily take care of it via words alone, would give life to His people with the act of an embrace! And, unlike in the other stories, God made His people on purpose. It speaks volumes to the incredible value that God places on each one of them. This is what the image of God is. For a human to be made in the image of God immediately grants each person a sense of this purpose and value dictated by Yahweh.

The biggest problem with evolution is not in its account of the timing, whether the universe took millions of years or seven days. That is not really a crucial issue. The real problem with the theory of natural selection is this: It treats human existence as an accident. The inevitable conclusion is that humans, much as in other ancient creation accounts, have no purpose, no clearly defined reason for existing. Human life is not valuable in this mindset.

What if, on the other hand, we lived our lives with the mindset that every human being was made intentionally, with a clear sense of purpose for existing? Imagine, if we lived with an awareness of this truth, how we would view every human interaction throughout the day! If we treated every other person, including those close to us and those who make us angry, as if God Himself had breathed life into him, and as if God had given her a reason for existing, imagine how it would change us! Imagine how, then, it would affect each person in whom we came into contact!

For some of you, imaging how living with a sense of purpose would change your own self-image. If you woke up every morning with the mentality that you were created by a God who desires closeness with His people, and that this God intentionally put you on this earth, what would it do for you? How would you see yourself, as well as your sense of life events?

It is clear, then, that every human being has infinite worth, and deserves to be treated as such. Let us live with this awareness:

You were created on purpose, by a loving, embracing God, who longs for closeness with you.

You have a reason for existing.

You are not an accident.

You are made in the image of YAHWEH.

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